NAEYC Accredidation
The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) is the world’s largest organization working on behalf of young children. Their accreditation program is a comprehensive system which measures the quality of early childhood education programs. Only 8% of early childhood programs in the United States have obtained NAEYC accreditation.
In order to achieve accreditation, teaching staff and administrators must provide evidence, through documentation and during an on-site visit by a NAEYC assessor, that the school meets the national quality standards in over 400 criteria. Every aspect of the program is studied and observed to ensure compliance with the following standards:
Positive relationships between children and teachers
A curriculum that fosters all areas of child development: cognitive, emotional, language, physical, and social
Effective teaching practices
Ongoing assessments of children’s learning and development.
Promotion of good nutrition and health
Qualifications of staff and ongoing professional development.
Collaborative family involvement
Relationships within the community to support achievement of program goals
A safe and healthy physical environment
Personnel, fiscal and program management policies
For more information about NAEYC standards and their importance in early childhood education, click the button below: